I remember reading somewhere a person who was saying that when they were young they felt the pressure to "have it all." Meaning the great apartment, the amazing relationship/family, a great career..all of the typical wants that people think will make them happy. Then she realized at a certain point that you can have it all, maybe just not at the same time. So then it becomes so important to truly value that which is before you. Count your blessings! I do believe I shouldn't free-write on the computer. In the years that I've been free-writing I take approximately 20 minutes (or longer) to write everything that appears in my thoughts. A to-do list, memories of dreams, things I want and things that sometimes just flow out of the pen beyond what I could've ever conjured up by allowing my thoughts to get involved. This is an amazing exercise to just move energy. For some reason I'm on the computer typing away today and I realized the reason I shouldn't do this on the computer is that:
#1 I can't see my handwriting.
#2 I never read back through my free-writing because if there's emotional things there's a tendency to get drawn back into them once you read it. Writing is a form of letting go
#3 I can't tell when I've reached my three pages!
So for all of these reasons I think I need to stick to the page for this exercise. But one of my to-do list items is to update my blog. I have a hard time thinking people actually want to read about my "stuff." Maybe there will be a day when I'm able to structure this more. Right now I just jumping from yoga to photography to free-writing ;) When all else fails, post some photos ;)
Enjoy your day!
May you realize the quality of your blessings...
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